Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sikhism Bingo

I mean the title of this blog to be uplifting rather than depressing. Yes, life's a bitch and then you die, so you might as well not take yourself too seriously and laugh about it all.

Things that cracked me up this week:

-an old university friend is currently doing some work experience at a comprehensive in London. Mel is a Theology graduate, so she is assisting in the RE lessons. With her Year 8 class she played a lesson called 'Sikhism Bingo'. The hoped for learning outcome: an awareness and understanding of the fundamental beliefs and values of Sikhism. Righto.

-My office has a free staff canteen - and when you eat it you understand that they couldn't possibly charge anyone for it. My boss told us she was going to brave the canteen, and her assistant replied that she should bring her handbag with her. (ie: to go out and buy something if it was all too vomitatious). My boss looked a little puzzled, and said, 'Why? To throw up in?

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