Monday, December 24, 2007

There is no new thing under the sun

Yesterday I bought a beautiful book called 'A Treasury of Proverbs'. I found it in the children's 'world religion' section. Each double page spread has a precept from Proverbs, Ecclesisastes (my personal favourite book of the Hebrew Bible), Song of Solomon, the Wisdom of Solomon and Ecclesiasticus. What makes it special is that each proverb is illustrated by (mostly) Renaissance paintings from the Uffizi, the National Gallery etc.

My absolutely favourite quote from the whole of the Bible is: There is no new thing under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) In the book this quote is laid out on top of a detail from The School of Athens.

Don't know why exactly I love this quote so much. It speaks to me! Like the title of this blog, I find it uplifting rather than depressing. Or perhaps comforting would be a better word. There is something comforting in the idea that the trials we face today have been dealt with - and sometimes overcome triumphantly - by generations before us. That nothing is completely new, unforseen, unprecedented. I have heard this put much more succinctly.

The physical world around us constantly changes, but human nature does not. We must struggle in our brief existence to find some transcendent meaning during reoccurring heartbreak and disappointment and so find solace in the knowledge that our ancestors have all gone through this before. You may find all that all too intrusive, living with the past as present. I find it exhilarating. I believe there is an old answer for every new problem, that wise whispers of the past are with us to assure us that if we just listen and remember, we are not alone; we have been here before.
(Victor Hanson, in his essay 'This I Believe'. For full transcript, go here.)

Tip number 4 of 'To 10 tips for Bloggers' is: Include lots of lists. These are quick and easy to read. In the past 6 months, I've been meeting quite a few older and wiser women at work and socially. They have often given to general advice about life, told me what they would want their daughters to know, what they wish they had known at my age. Here's a quick list:
  • I wish I hadn't worried so much about my figure, or chastised myself about eating a cream bun. I was so gorgeous and lovely back then! It's sad that I can only appreciate it now.
  • Before marrying someone, think about them not only as a partner to you, as a husband, but as a father. Is this the kind of father you'd want for your kids? Be practical. Together would you be able to build the kind of life you want to lead? Don't just think: oh, the sex is so great, our chemistry is electrifying, the rest will fall in place.
  • Sex is only 10% of a relationship. Yes, it is the first 10%.
  • Growing old is unspeakably ghastly. Value your youth.
  • Your heart isn't a cake. Your love isn't divided into slices. Unfortunately, we are able to be in love with more than one person. Falling in love with another doesn't necessarily mean you love your first love less. (controversial. Not sure I am mature enough to come to terms with this yet. That Disney heart speaking again...)
Ooh, I think I like lists. I might go back to my previous blogs and add lists.

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