Thursday, April 10, 2008

With a foetus eye

A new record - I managed to get coffee, icing (from delicious danish) and blood (from surprisingly deep paper cut) onto my white shirt this morning, all before 9 am. A friend told me that 'coffee, icing and blood' sounded like something Plath would write about. He then sent me this -

Sylvia Plath tells the story of Goldilocks
- Sebastian Faulks, Pistache

I am the doctor who takes
The temperature of each bowl.

Daddy Bear, your gruel,
Grey as the Feldgrau,
Pungent as a jackboot,
Rises under an ailing moon.
I have been sleeping
In your bed, Daddy.

Mother's oats are blebbed
With ruby stains of fruit preserve
Beside the glass fire
Of her blood-orange juice.

The baby's porridge bubbles
With a foetus eye.
I swallow the sins it is not
His to shrive. I devour
The cancerous pallor
With spoons of handled bone.

I plough the winding-sheets
Of each bear bed with my
Surgical breathing, as I die and rise
Three times before dawn.

My golden hair is electric
With the light of
Borrowed stars, spread out
On my pillow of skulls.

Now I really like Sylvia Plath's work - Bell Jar is hysterically funny - and I'm not so keen on sex scenes being described by using key and lock terminology, but this was a Very Good way to start the day. Thanks, M. xx

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