Sunday, May 17, 2009

A malevolent and lightless palor (depression)

-'As soon as I so much as picked up my pencil the endless possibilities of language, to which I could once safely abandon myself, became a conglomeration of the most inane phrases.'

-'And in this dreadful state of mind I sat for hours, for days on end with my face to the wall, tormenting myself and gradually discovering the horror of finding that even the smallest task or duty, for instance arranging assorted objects in a drawer, can be beyond one's power.'

-'Especially in the evening twilight, which had always been my favourite time of day, I was so overcome by a sense of anxiety, diffuse at first and then growing ever denser, through which the lovely spectacle of fading colours turned to a malevolent and lightless pallor...'

from Austerlitz, W.G. Sebald

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